Importance of Typography in branding

The most noticeable feature of these logos is that neither heavily rely on the imagery rather they put focus on the typographic design itself. This is possibly due to the fact that lesser know indie companies need to make their name known hence the image isn’t centralised as much as the actual typography used to represent the brand.  Another important aspect to acknowledge is the usage of basic block colours and why this is an essential part in company branding. The general idea behind keeping a logo simplistic has a multitude of reasons, these tend to be: Clarity of message, Applicability across different forms of media, Expense and how Explicable it is. Understanding these key components allows for a brand to be created and represented in a quick, memorable manner.

Taking this research into account I will make further amendments to my logo’s and experiment with different ideas focusing around typography and how centric it is as a part of indie branding.







Workshop 2 – Colour Palettes

During the second workshop of Semester B I followed a tutorial on Colour Palettes and the importance of complimentary colours within design. For this exercise I started by visiting Pinterest and found images which I liked, from there the exercise continued in Adobe Illustrator and Indesign.

I found the exercise to be more informative than I first thought, and I found myself breaking down every image I liked to it’s Complimentary Colours and Shades. Overall I feel as though the exercise is a good skill to practice, not only does it look visually appealing and professional but it also changes mundane work to something you don’t mind examining further.


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A link to higher resolution versions of these images is below.

Colour palette


Development Plan (Industry Research)

When setting out in writing my brief for the semester I had a rough idea of what I wanted to create, however at first I didn’t know how to break it down into individual components. Understanding every aspect of the brief, to me, feels like a vital part in creating an end product at the best possible standard.

There was an initial learning curve involved for some terminologies for my brief and the emphasis on certain components. A few things I learnt after research which I didn’t know prior, were small components which felt insignificant but they all play an integral role in the branding of any company. These include: Typography Research, Working with colour palettes, sticking to and working with a permanent name (For company and IP) and constantly re-working ideas. It might seem blatantly obvious that idea development is integral to creating a product however many times in the past I have never critically evaluated or reworked ideas, I feel as though this is a good skill to foster to be able to progress as a designer and to ensure a project has the best possible outcome if the choices of development have justification behind them.

Development Plan

The development plan below details a time scale for different elements I’ll work towards in order to create a final completed brief. Certain areas will require more time dedicated to them depending on the complexity and workload required. I feel as though a time plan will help to organise a project of this magnitude and should also be a useful skill to learn for other briefs/modules in the future.


Week 1 – Research/Project Planning Stage

  • Name for the IP
  • Name for the Company
  • Research on inspirations
  • Look at survival games & horror games
  • Progression with the Logo/Overall Branding
  • Research websites and output formats from similar companies


Week 2 & 3 – Concept art and further ideas development

  • In-depth game research (What is expected of a protagonist, how will the game work? what is inspiring about other games of a similar nature?)
  • Rough sketches (Concept art, Environments, Character art, Item art, HUD’s, etc.)
  • Work towards finalising and completing the Logo
  • Experiment with branding packages (How does the logo look? What can be improved?)
  • Highlight a particular element of the game, stick with it and use it as a point of reference for further work on concept art.


Week 4- Concept and Promotional Art 

  • Finalised Logo (Reach a point where I feel only minor changes are needed)
  • Typeface evaluation, new choices from old, variations and how well it works
  • Further Character concept art, overall game aesthetics, further environment exploration
  • Screenshots of sketches, evaluate likes and dislikes
  • Further develop environments, showcase significant features from the game


Week 5 & 6 – Advertising 

  • Experiment with poster design (Change concept art into more polished versions, play with the sketches and try to create promotional advertisement material)
  • Create mock up websites (evaluate other websites, what elements work? How can I make informed choices about my own website?)
  • Finalised Company colour palette
  • Examples of merchandise and other outputs including the logo


Week 7 onwards – Polishing Output Formats

  • Have a finalised web output (Document the constant progression of ideas, what works/doesn’t etc.)
  •  Have a finalised poster (Include the company’s brand, and the smaller aspects of the brief, integrate into a final professional document)
  • Create mock-up documentation for my proposed company (Does the brand work? what can be changed?)
  • Finalised corporate branding package (finalised logo usage on documentation, merchandise, office items etc.)


Research & Source Material

Below are a few YouTube videos I will use to guide me through creating: concept art, character designs, environment art and general help towards illustrating my own vision for my project.






Research for Entropia

When I set my own brief I knew the direction I wanted to take with it from the start, a few inspirations and current video games which have inspired the style I want to take with my own imagined IP are:

Firewatch, Minecraft, The Long Dark and The Last of Us.

Within recent years the video games I’ve found myself playing has gone down the path of Survival and themes which deal with human struggles within a post apocalyptic world. Games like The Last of Us don’t just highlight the brutality of the world, a lot of juxtaposition is given between the horror/gore  and the natural beauty of a world being reclaimed by nature, this is the element I want to focus on within my concept art and the branding of my own IP

The title for my game is Entropia, I feel as though this name highlights the theme and general story I want to tell, a few examples of the games mentioned prior are below, and should give an indication towards the theme’s I want to develop for my own game.



Workshop 11 – Presentation of Finalised Ideas

During week 11 there was an assessed presentation on my final design and intended outputs for typography. The Einstein brief was also assessed.

For this I created a Pdf from an indesign file and presented my near finished design product.

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In this presentation I’ve shown my research from prior and the development of my ideas towards final hand in standards, at this point the only outputs that are missing are my website and my Mobile applications.