Workshop 5 – Presentation

During workshop 5 the group was asked to present their work and the research that had gone in to creating their letter forms. Using the skills learnt in the workshop prior I decided to use Indesign to create the presentation. My presentation mainly consisted of the same research that my blog had been keeping, so transferring and adapting it wasn’t difficult.

Presentation valyrian ting-1       Presentation valyrian ting-2

 Fantasy ting          Presentation valyrian ting-4

Valyrian Font       Uppercase

  Upper and Lower Case       Presentation valyrian ting-8

For my practical example piece of work I decided to pick a book cover, but I wasn’t too impressed with the overall result. After playing with different ideas I decided that I’m going to make a full alphabet and put it to use on a real product for my final hand in.


Typography Research – Valyrian/Fantasy Fonts

Another area of research I chose for typography and different fonts was from fantasy and fictional places. Although only fictional, a lot of research has taken place for fonts to hold true in terms of their design and how “real” they are, in films and TV. A lot of consultation is had to verify even fictional languages and how they look and whether the language is believable or not.
One TV program in particular which interests me is Game of thrones, the medieval and fantasy setting is something I love and wanted to explore more in depth.
A language used in Game of Thrones is called ‘High Valyrian’. Valyrian takes it’s roots from real fonts and scripts from a bygone human age, primarily Latin and Celtic Script, knowing this helps my own research towards creating a new font.

fraszka _kochanowskiego     RMEzoVo


Other notable examples of fantasy writing are the obvious, Elvish, and Tolkin inspired typographies, these fonts are useful as a basis for designing your own fantasy font, looking at the forms and how similar they are despite being from completely different fantasy realms. The general consensus is that during the time setting of most fantasy films, most writing is similar.


Typography Research

When the module brief for the first semester was given to me, I knew straight away what area of typography stood out the most to me, using this I decided to start doing research on what I found to be interesting.

The main areas of intrigue for me are: old English/Latin scripture, Stone Engravings and traditional typography (traditional as in: old, clear and sleek in terms of its design).

The reason I love Latin and old script stems from countless movies and video games I’ve seen/played, the intrigue of civilisations and an era that has passed still stands out to me, hence my love for old script.

As mentioned prior, films and games were where my initial intrigue for Latin came from, as such, things like Indiana Jones, and the Uncharted franchise along with other fantasy films/TV Series.


The quote “Sic Parvis Magna” is used in Uncharted and was supposedly engraved into a ring by Sir Francis Drake, whether it be fiction or not the idea really stood out to me which is why I chose to research it. The  Latin used stands for ‘Greatness from small beginnings’ and it holds a place very close to me. The typography itself is a type of serif, which has a nice handwritten/hand engraved look and aesthetic to it.

Another piece of media which has inspired my love for history/historical texts is Indiana Jones, in particular the last crusade. Although my love for this area of typography purely comes from fiction, I still feel as though I’m passionate enough to want to pursue it hence my research.

GrailTablet-TSWA                         5656

The grail tablet is a fictional historical artefact from Indiana Jones, and is written in Latin Psalms. these are just a couple of examples of text and scripture which appeals to me, as I further update my blog I’ll post more of my findings and examples of my own work towards a similar effect like this.

Workshop 1 – Typography Mood Board

During the first workshop I was tasked with creating a mood board with different typography that appeals to me. I used pinterest to narrow down my search and find specific fonts which I liked. The general theme I went for was: old caligraphy, latin, historic fonts and engravings.

After creating the mood board I was put into a group with two others and we were asked to take pictures of interesting fonts used around Lincoln, in keeping with my own theme and personal preference towards old fonts, I decided to take photo’s of old plaques and engraved stone.

Overall this workshop summarised our module for semester A, but also allowed for some experimentation with font and typography.