After designing my first logo I wanted to continue on with the theme and idea of “Campfire Studios”. The very first logo I designed had a few elements I liked and wanted to further explore, but there were still a few things that bugged me, primarily the mountain not being central and the font feeling out of place and too confined within the bubble, taking this into account I made further alterations to it.
The second version I made I decided to add a banner which sits underneath the original circle frame, I felt as though this was a good addition for the logo, it felt thematically appropriate for the idea of camp-fires and in my opinion just compliments the image overall. Another thing I changed was the font, I wanted something which felt more organic and appropriate with the image as a whole, the original font used felt too formal for the rough nature of the wilderness/camp-fire.
The final rendition of the logo I decided to add a few more features to make use of the empty white space, I slightly altered the position of the banner and made it smaller, and I also added some clouds to the mountain top, overall I feel as though this logo is almost finalised and can see it being used for the branding of my imagined company and IP