After researching colour palettes I figured I would use the skills I learnt earlier and put them into practical use to create a logo for my branding brief. This logo is just an initial starting point as to get a feel for the general aesthetics of my imagined company and their IP ‘Entropia’
For the first image I picked some colours I liked and just started to play around with the themes of nature, wilderness, and cold. I like the idea of playing with Juxtaposition, hence the name Campfire and the central focus on on the red/orange colours.
This image is a rough finalised idea, I like the idea of the logo being circular, I feel as though it wraps the information in a bubble which takes away from the distractions of letting the art run further off the page, also it adds to the central focus of the fire.
Overall I feel as though this logo could use some further development to make it a potential piece of work I’d keep for a final hand in.
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